When parents divorce, the effect on their children is usually the biggest worry and there’s good reason for that concern, because the short and long-term effects can be devastating. On the other hand, when the process goes smoothly, divorce can pave the way for a more enjoyable home life and have a very positive outcome. […]
Read MoreBrowse our law blog for Massachusetts-specific family law and divorce topics
Contemplating Divorce in the New Year? We Can Help You Prepare
Divorce is a complex legal process that could involve several months or more of negotiations between spouses sometimes with family court intervention. Massachusetts allows either spouse to file for divorce on either a fault or no-fault basis as long as they meet the residency requirements and other obligations. Read on to learn more about how […]
Read MoreHow to Find Hidden Assets & Income in Divorce
Whether due to dishonesty or disorganization, many clients end up in a position where they need to look for hidden assets and income during the divorce process. It is worth taking the time to make a thorough search because the division of assets you agree to in your divorce settlement cannot be changed in most […]
Read MoreWill Your Social Security Payments Be Reduced If Your Ex Claims Spousal Benefits?
Social Security retirement benefits can make up a significant portion of the income you plan to enjoy in retirement. But what if a former spouse wants to claim benefits based on your income rather than their own? Will that reduce your benefits? Benefits for Spouses and Former Spouses Someone who is currently married or who […]
Read MoreHow To Establish Paternity in MA And Why It’s Important
When a child is born to a married couple in Massachusetts, the law presumes the husband to be the child’s father, and that creates legal paternity, although steps can be taken to rebut that assumption and establish paternity elsewhere. When a mother is unmarried, the father of the child must act to establish legal paternity […]
Read MoreThe Unofficial, Long-Term Marital Separation
Many couples in Massachusetts describe themselves as “legally separated,” but the law does not recognize this status at all. From a legal (and tax) perspective, it doesn’t matter whether you are living with your spouse or whether you consider yourself as living separate lives. If you’re not divorced, you’re married. However, there are steps that […]
Read MoreWhen is My Divorce Final?
A divorce does not fully take effect until it becomes final or “absolute.” Many couples in Massachusetts are surprised to learn that the judge’s approval of their divorce does not make their divorce final. It is important to understand what needs to occur to finalize a divorce to avoid taking premature actions. Divorce Nisi Massachusetts […]
Read MoreDivorcing a Narcissist? Here’s What to Watch For
Self-centered. Bullying. Exploitative. If these traits sound familiar, you are probably dealing with a narcissist. Trying to disengage from any type of relationship with a narcissist is a challenge, and when that relationship involves the legal and financial complexities of marriage, it becomes all the more difficult. Fortunately, when you work with a divorce attorney […]
Read MoreWhy Should You Hire Financial or Other Experts in a High Net Worth Divorce?
A high-net worth divorce involves assets far more complicated than cash. Executive compensation plans, business interests, rare collections, unique real estate, and other distinctive assets are often part of the portfolio. One partner may have complex assets that the other is unaware of. Determining how these assets should be valued and divided is a task […]
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