Marriages end for a variety of reasons. Massachusetts residents may know of someone who ended a marriage for financial, work-related or even stress-related reasons, and the ensuing divorce proceedings can range from amicable to hostile. However, there are certain circumstances which may add additional stress to the divorce proceedings. Marriages that end due to infidelity can […]
Read MoreChild Custody
What are my Rights as a Parent in a Divorce or Child Custody Case in Massachusetts?
When you’re facing a divorce in Massachusetts, one of your primary concerns is likely your children. You might be wondering how the state views parental rights and what you’re entitled to. In Massachusetts, the legal system’s main focus is on the best interests of the child. This means decisions are made with your child’s wellbeing […]
Read MoreHow Does Domestic Violence Impact A Divorce Or Child Custody Case In Massachusetts?
When dealing with divorce or child custody in Massachusetts, domestic violence plays a critical role. The state takes allegations seriously, and the presence of such issues can greatly influence court decisions. It’s not just physical violence; emotional, psychological, and financial abuse are all taken into account. Recognizing and understanding these factors is essential when navigating […]
Read MoreHow is Child Custody Determined in Salem, Massachusetts?
As a parent, your child’s well-being is your number one priority. So when facing a divorce, the question that often looms largest is, “What will happen to my kids?” This concern is one that can keep you up at night, stirring a mix of fear, confusion, and endless ‘what-ifs.’ Let’s put those fears to rest […]
Read MoreA Collaborative Divorce Puts Children First
When parents divorce, the effect on their children is usually the biggest worry and there’s good reason for that concern, because the short and long-term effects can be devastating. On the other hand, when the process goes smoothly, divorce can pave the way for a more enjoyable home life and have a very positive outcome. […]
Read MoreSummertime Custody Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Creating a custody arrangement is a bit easier during the school year since the kids are out of the house for so many hours each day. When summer comes, parents often forget how much planning they need to adapt to with the kids being home every day. Summertime custody mistakes are common, but you can […]
Read MoreWho Can Claim a Child as a Dependent on Taxes After Divorce?
Although the tax exemptions for dependents have been discontinued, the tax code still offers numerous tax benefits for those who can claim a child as a dependent on their tax return. So, when parents divorce, who gets to claim their child? Can they share the child for tax purposes just like they do for parenting […]
Read More4 Ways Parents Can Get Sole Custody in Massachusetts
Courts in Massachusetts generally presume the happiness and welfare of children is best preserved when they maintain a relationship with both parents. However, that does not mean courts favor joint custody arrangements. In fact, Mass. Gen. Law ch. 208, §31 specifically states that there is no presumption in favor of shared custody. If you know that your […]
Read MoreBirdnesting in Divorce in Massachusetts
Parents who want to minimize the stress and disruption for their children during divorce in Massachusetts often consider adopting a strategy known as birdnesting. In this technique, the divorcing couple maintains the family home for the children and they alternate taking turns residing in the home and living elsewhere. Is this a good idea? Professionals […]
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