Koiles Pratt Family Law Group

Koiles Pratt Divorce and Family Law

Divorce and alimony are changing

By Koiles Pratt Divorce and Family Law | January 17, 2018

Divorce laws are in the process of changing across the nation. Massachusetts residents who have been considering divorce may have heard about these changes. The upcoming changes, particularly those being made to alimony, have the potential to make divorces even more stressful and messy than they are now. One of the major…

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Pushing for shared child custody

By Koiles Pratt Divorce and Family Law | December 26, 2017

For years, courts have determined which parent is fit to be the primary caregiver for a child after a divorce if the parents are unable to decide amongst themselves. Now, a number of states, including Massachusetts, are pushing for shared child custody after divorce. A number of arguments have been made both for…

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Child custody between same-sex couples

By Koiles Pratt Divorce and Family Law | December 6, 2017

Massachusetts attorneys have seen their fair share of marriages end in divorce. Sometimes, former spouses are able to get along during and after the divorce is final, but there are some circumstances that can put an extra strain on what remains of the relationship. Determining child custody has the potential to turn…

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